It doesn't take much to make me happy although my husband would probably beg to differ. This weekend, even though I had to work at my son's first football game of the season as the ticket salesperson and had to go into work for a few hours this afternoon ,I have had many blessings and even those things were blessings in their own way. I am reading a great book by Jane Green called The Beach House. I am not finished but it is one of those books you can't wait to read what happens next. I also picked up the new Paula Deen magazine and since fall is my favorite time of year this issue really perked me up with all of the great recipes for the cooler weather. And last but not least found some great deals on shoes and dresses with nothing costing more than 19.97. I am still lusting after two pair of shoes at Payless (one is pictured on this page).
And I still have one more day to go but a lot on my agenda. Hope your weekend is a great one.Also remember our neighbors on the Gulf Coast in your prayers this week.