I have always had a love affair with books and magazines since I was a small child. My husband would call it an addiction. A few years ago one of my magazines stopped publication and it was like losing a friend. I was estatic when I found out that Victoria was coming back. The first issue, November/December, was all that I remembered and more. There is something about the fall and winter issues that just make you want to curl up in a warm house with a cup of tea and read them from cover to cover. I was also pleasantly surprised to find an article about Rebecca Rather. I discovered her a year or so ago and have read and reread her cookbook. As a matter of fact her new Christmas cookbook is in the mail to me as I write.
As corny as it may sound having Victoria back is like reconnecting with an old friend and you just take up where you left off.
I AGREE she is like having an old friend back! WhoooHOOO!
Thanks for coming by Southern Somedays!
I, too, enjoy getting lost in those beautiful pages. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!
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