Friday, November 2, 2007

You, Staying Young

I caught the Oprah show yesterday and Dr. Oz was on there with advice from his and Dr. Michael Roizen's new book "You, Staying Young". I decided right then and there that I am giving that book to friends for Christmas. I love the way he breaks everything down in such an understandable way even while using a doctor vocabulary. I brought my oatmeal to work with me this morning and vowed to really think about what I am putting in my body because aging fabulously starts from the inside. Just a sidenote, I went to high school with Oprah. Even then she had a presence about her and you just knew she was destined for great things.

1 comment:

Jen Hill said...

This is a great concept and bravo on starting your own blog!

I will come and visit often. How cool that you went to the same HS as Oprah!

XO Jen